John Knight: 87 degrees
John Knight’s work, 87°, draws the viewer’s focus off the Art Center’s property to an industrial object in its viewshed: the shapely water tower of the former Star Expansion Company. From a telescope on a newly constructed viewing platform, a visual line is drawn obliquely across the allée of trees in the center’s south fields to the upper portion of the water tower, about a mile away. Looking beyond Storm King, the work highlights the institutions relationship to its larger sociopolitical context, including its role within evolving regional land-use systems. Focusing on these overlooked aspects of contextual relevance, it adds meaning to a key element of Storm King’s success: the value of a well-placed lookout.
Along with John Knight’s site-specific project at Storm King, we are pleased to be able to assist in the publication of the following essays by Benjamin Buchloh and Alexander Alberro.
-Beatrice Stern, Ralph E. Ogden Foundation Inc.
Published by Storm King Art Center, December 2001, 35 pages, paperback.
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