Ugo Rondinone by Laura Hopton, Erik Verhagen, Nicholas Baum, Jason Schmidt
Over the past 30 years, Swiss-born, New York-based artist Ugo Rondinone has developed a distinct body of work: vibrant paintings, immersive installations, sculptures, and text-based works, all united by a poetic quality and an enduring preoccupation with such universal themes as time and cosmic cycles.
Profoundly interested in the contemplation of everyday life, Rondinone reconciles the visual language of psychedelia and advertising with meditative, intimate reflections on personal and collective experiences. This book brings fresh perspective to his remarkable life and career and is a must-have for his huge global following.
- Format: Paperback
- Size: 290 × 250 mm (11 3/8 × 9 7/8 in)
- Illustrations: 200 illustrations
- ISBN: 9781838661656
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